Weekends CE1D CESS exams
To prepare the CE1Dthe CESS or the exam session organised by your child's school, we offer CE1D CESS exam weekends.
These weekends are organised in our offices or remotely, as you wish. Each working day starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm. Don't worry: there's a one-hour lunch break at midday 😉 as well as short breaks to wind down the working sessions.
The aim is to help your child reach the level to pass the various CE1D, CESS and end-of-year exams: ce1d math, ce1d science, ce1d French, ce1d Dutch or English and the exams. Their current knowledge is tested at the beginning of the first weekend, so that we can identify the areas that they need to work on with them, and then actively consolidate and complete their knowledge. All this is achieved through individualised support.
Our trainers are selected for their dynamism and teaching skills.
Objectives of the CE1D CESS Weekends exams :
- Finalising in-depth understanding
- Make the most of full days of study in the run-up to exams
- Targeted refinement of working methods
- Testing and validating assimilation
- Success (concrete pragmatic objectives, not just abstract revision)

From 2 to 4 days of concentrated virtuous study for all students
Preparation for CE1D

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- First, an appointment
- Strictly individualised monitoring
- Cogito's 'funny' private tutors
- Qualified instructors
- A daily newsletter