Managing heat when studying

How do you manage the heat when you're studying? Heat and good study tips.
étudiante qui a trop chaud

Managing the heat when you're studying isn't always easy. Should you turn on the air conditioning? Should you work outdoors? Should you work close to a water source, or even study in your bathtub (a case in point)? On 16 June 2022, Cogito's administrator answered Thomas de Bergeyck's questions on RTL-Info 18h:

1. How do you manage the heat when you're studying? What's your top tip for study when it's this hot?

2. According to a Harvard University studystudents in a non-air-conditioned building perform 13% worse than others. What do you think? Is studying outdoors a good idea?

3. Airco, the key to a worry-free study?

4. Is studying in a lake a good idea?

5. Do you recommend studying at night or early in the morning in hot weather?

6. How many hours do you need to study in a day to perform well over the long term?

The heat certainly doesn't make studying any easier. We advise our students to turn this disadvantage into an advantage, by not hesitating to take a breath of fresh air between study periods, get back in touch with nature and go for a walk (rather than drinking 'energy' drinks!). Organising a solid draught offers a serious alternative to air conditioning - which should not be used as a matter of course, as a matter of principle. Studying 750 pages of anatomy or public law in the bath seems somewhat illusory, not to say dangerous 😉 Why not study at night, but don't forget that exams take place during the day! Starting early in the morning, on the other hand, seems an excellent solution.

You have to learn how to manage the heat when you're studying', explains Cogito's administrator

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