Contact us now to succeed in your ce1d
- 1. Preparing for CE1D
- 2. Who is awarded the Certificat d'études du premier degré de l'enseignement secondaire (CE1D)?
- What happens to students who have not passed all or part of the test?
- Who writes the ce1d each year?
- What is the legal framework?
- 3. Our goal: to pass the ce1d
- 4. Our commitment
- 5. Why Cogito?
- Redo ce1d french 2021, ce1d sciences 2021, ...
- 6. A two-stage strategy: 1/ Identify deficiencies
- 2/ Diagnosis, then reinforcement
- 7. Ce1D tests from previous years
- 8. Intensive weekends to prepare for the ce1d
- 9. What to do if you fail the ce1d?
- 10. Is it possible for me to consult my child's CE1D tests?
- 11. Is there a second session?
- 12. How do I register my child for the CE1D? Where can I take it as an adult?
- 13. What about learning disabilities?
Request for help in preparing for CE1D
1. Preparing for CE1D
The Certificat d'études du 1er degré (CE1D) is awarded to pupils in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation at the end of lower secondary education (i.e. after the first two years of secondary education). This certificate enables them to enrol in all the forms - general, technical, artistic and vocational - and sections - transition and qualification - of their choice in 2nd level, i.e. in the third year of secondary school.
Theexternal certification test take place this year in June 2025. This test is of vital importance, as it assesses what your child has learned in the first two years of secondary school. It plays a decisive role in confirming your child's ability to continue his or her education successfully. Then to move on to the next stages of their education.
2. Who receives the lower secondary school leaving certificate (CE1D) ?
Pupils who obtain at least 50% in the common test in its four components very generally receive the certificate. This is because they have demonstrated their mastery of the skills required in the subjects concerned. In theory, the school is still responsible for testing other skills, if necessary, which could lead to the CE1D being refused.
What happens to students who have not passed all or part of the test?
The class council may consider, on the basis of their personal file, that the pupils concerned have nevertheless mastered the skills and knowledge covered by the test. If the certificate is refused, an appeal is possible under certain conditions (see below). To avoid the publication of results and any ranking of schools and students, the results obtained cannot be made public.
Who writes the ce1d each year?
A working group, chaired by the Inspector General for Secondary Education, draws up the tests and the instructions for taking and marking them. It also draws up the pass criteria for each external assessment. The group is made up of inspectors, support and guidance counsellors and teachers. As well as representatives from the Direction générale du Pilotage du système éducatif.
What is the legal framework?
Circular 8859 of 6 March 2023 sets out the arrangements for organising the "CE1D" external certification tests for the 2022-2023 school year. The Arrêté of 4 May 2016 sets out the procedures for registering, distributing, taking, marking and securing the common external certification tests.
3. Our goal: to pass the ce1d
Our aim is to help you prepare for the ce1d by offering you complete solutions, either strictly individual or face-to-face (these are our "one-to-one" solutions). ce1d weekends in december, may and june). To help your child succeed in CE1D. We understand the importance of this crucial stage in his or her school life and will do our utmost to provide quality teaching resources. As well as practical advice and personalised support to maximise their chances of success.
4. Our commitment
We are committed to offer a set of learning tools and methods adapted to the specific requirements of this test. Preparing for the CE1D is not like preparing for an ordinary exam. Whether through targeted preparatory lessons, practical exercises, regular assessments or methodological advice, our teaching team will do everything in its power to help your child. So that they can consolidate their knowledge, strengthen their skills and gain in confidence.
5. Why Cogito?
By choosing our certificate exam preparation programme, you are offering your child a unique opportunity to prepare for this important exam. Thanks to our twelve years of ce1d expertise and our personalised approach, your child will be able to meet this challenge successfully. To take this important and reassuring step in their school career.
Don't hesitate to contact us for more information about our complete preparation solutions.
Redo ce1d french 2021, ce1d sciences 2021, ...
Together, we'll work with your child on the CE1d French 2021 and CE1d Science 2021, for example, to train and strengthen them and support them in their educational journey towards a promising future.
6. A two-stage strategy:
1/ Identifying deficiencies
It's important to identify your child's strengths and weaknesses accurately. That's why, before to remedy this. One child may be lacking in maths, another in French. We'll start by identifying our child's needs, and then provide targeted, effective support.
2/ Diagnosis, then reinforcement
An assessment carried out by professionals in the field of tutoring will give a precise idea of your child's level of preparation. For CE1d maths, science, French and modern languages (phew!). This is done by identifying the subjects that need strengthening. Next comes the reinforcementto actively consolidate preparation, focusing on the subjects that require it.
7. Ce1D tests from previous years
To help you practise, the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles is publishing all the previous editions of the CE1D. Here they are in an accessible and complete format.
Mathematics: CE1D mathematics tests in : 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
In French: > CE1D French exams in : 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
In modern languages: > CE1D tests in modern languages in : 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
For science: > CE1D science tests in : 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Request information and prices
8. Intensive weekends to prepare for the ce1d
We offer you intensive revision weekends to prepare effectively for CE1D. These weekends, focusing on CE1D, take place in our offices (face-to-face). We also offer a distance learning option. Each working day starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm. Don't worry, there's a one-hour lunch break and short refreshment breaks.
For more information, please contact us. Our aim is to help your child succeed in the various CE1D tests. To do this, we assess their current knowledge to determine the areas they need to work on together. We then set up individualised follow-up to actively consolidate and complete their knowledge. Our trainers are selected for their dynamism and pedagogical approach.
9. What to do if you fail the ce1d?
The decisions of the Class Council and the Qualifying Jury may be contested. This is done by initiating an internal conciliation procedure at the school (stage 1). This is a compulsory step. Next, an external appeal (2nd stage) may be lodged against a decision to fail (AOC) or to pass with restrictions (AOB).
Documents for the two appeal stages
First stage (mandatory) internal conciliation : contesting a decision of the Class Council or the Qualifying Jury. Second stage (optional) external appeal. Challenging a decision to fail (AOC) or to pass with restrictions (AOB), taken or maintained following internal conciliation. Full appeals procedure and forms. Legal framework for appeals.
10. Is it possible for me to consult my child's CE1D tests?
Yes, you can consult the external examination booklets that your child has completed by making a request to the school. You can also obtain a copy of these papers by paying €0.25 per page copied.
11. Is there a second session?
If your child does not pass any of the CE1D tests, the class council will decide whether to organise a second session for the subjects concerned. However, there is no official external second session. The tests for the second session will therefore be created and organised by the school or body responsible.
12. How do I register my child for the CE1D? Where can I take it as an adult?
Is your child enrolled in joint secondary year 2 (2 C) or supplementary secondary year 2 (2 S) at a school in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation? Your child will automatically be enrolled in CE1D, so you don't need to do anything.
If your child is enrolled in phase 2 or 3 of form 3 special education and would like to take the tests, please contact his/her school management. They will need to submit a registration form, which is included in the annual circular on the organisation of the tests, to the Administration before the deadline.
Is your child enrolled in 3 SDO? Then it is not possible to register him/her for the CE1D exams. The teaching staff at your child's school will be responsible for organising an examination session.
Is your child enrolled in secondary year 1? If so, it is not possible to register them for the CE1D exams. However, he or she will have access to the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles alternative jury system (see below).
Are you an adult or would you like to take your CE1D without being enrolled in a school in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation? You will be able to take the alternative route of the juries of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (see below).
The Jurys system of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation offers an alternative way of obtaining a diploma outside the traditional routes of education provided in schools. You will find more information on this subject on the pages dedicated to secondary education: the juries of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.
13. What about learning disabilities?
If your child has learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, or a disability such as blindness or deafness, is it possible to benefit from reasonable accommodation in the external test of the CE1D?
Yes, it is possible, provided the following two conditions are met. 1/ The disorders must have been diagnosed by a competent specialist, such as a PMS centre, a speech therapist, an ear, nose and throat specialist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a neuropsychiatrist, a neuropsychologist, a neuropaediatrician or a paediatrician. 2/ The authorised accommodations may only be those normally used in class during learning activities and assessments. This ensures that students are not disturbed during the test by new arrangements to which they are not accustomed.
To request accommodation for your child, it is advisable to contact the school management. It is the school management that initiates the procedure with the school administration to put these arrangements in place.
To see the changes made to the event format, you can consult adapted versions from previous years on the Federation's website:
– versions adapted from the French CE1D
- the adapted versions of CE1D mathematics
– adapted versions of CE1D modern languages
– adapted versions of CE1D sciences